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  3. 8月SAT亚太考情与下半年备考建议





第一篇小说取材于乌克兰裔美国女作家Carolina De Robertis的长篇小说Perla《珀拉》,节选片段主要内容描述的是一对母女种花的故事。文章的阅读难度不高,但是题目出得比较难答。

Arrival Some things are impossible for the mind to hold alone. So listen, if you can, with your whole being. The story pushes and demands to be told, here, now, with you so close and the past even closer, breathing at the napes of our necks.

He arrived on the second of March, 2001, a few minutes after midnight. I was alone. I heard a low sound from the living room, a kind of scrape, like fingernails on unyielding floor—­then silence. At first I couldn’t move; I wondered whether I had left a window open, but no, I had not. I picked up the knife from the counter, still flecked with squash, and walked slowly down the hall toward the living room with the knife leading the way, thinking that if it came to fighting I’d be ready, I’d stab down to the hilt. I turned the corner and there he lay, curled up on his side, drenching the rug.

He was naked. Seaweed stuck to his wet skin, which was the color of ashes. He smelled like fish and copper and rotting apples. Nothing had moved: the sliding glass door to the backyard was closed and intact, the curtains were unruffled, and there was no damp trail where he might have walked or crawled. I could not feel my limbs, I was all wire and heat, the room crackled with danger.

“Get out,” I said.

He didn’t move.

“Get the hell out,” I said, louder this time.

He lifted his head with tremendous effort and opened his eyes. They were wide eyes that seemed to have no bottom. They stared at me, the eyes of a baby, the eyes of a boa. In that moment something in my core came apart like a ship losing its mooring, anchor dismantled, the terror of dark waters on all sides, and I found that I could not turn away.

I raised the knife and pointed it at him.

The man shuddered and his head collapsed against the floor. My instinct was to rush to his side, help him up, offer him a hot drink or an ambulance. But was he pretending, hoping I’d come closer so he could overpower me? Don’t do it. Don’t go near him. I took a step backward and waited. The man had given up on lifting his head again, and was watching me from the corners of his eyes. A minute passed. He did not blink or lunge or look away.

Finally, I said, “What do you want?”

His jaws began to work, slowly, arduously. The mouth opened and water poured out, thick and brown like the water of the river, seeping into the rug. The murky smell in the room intensified. I took another step back and pressed against the wall. It felt cool and hard and I wished it would whisper Sshhh, don’t worry, some things are solid still, but it was only a wall and had nothing to say.

His lips worked around empty air. I waited and watched him strain to form a word. Finally he spoke, unintelligibly and too loudly, like a deaf person who has not learned to sculpt his sounds. “Co-­iii-­aahh.”

I shook my head.

He made the sound again, more slowly. “Coo. Iiiii. Aaaahh.”

I tried to piece it together. “Coya?” I asked, thinking, a name? a place I’ve never heard of?

“Coo. Miiiii. Aaah.”

I nodded blankly.

“Coo. Miiiii. Dah.”

And then I understood. “Co-­mi-­da. Food. Food?”

He nodded. Drops of water fell from his face, too copious to be sweat; they seeped from his pores, a human sponge just lifted from the river—­though even sponges would stop dripping at some point, and this man’s wetness had not relented. Without turning my gaze away from him, I pressed the knife against my arm, to see whether I was dreaming. The blade broke skin and drew blood and I felt the pain but did not wake out of this reality into another one. If my father had been here he surely would not have seen this ghoulish man, or if he had, he would have stabbed him already, without a word, then poured a glass of scotch and watched Mamá clean up the carpet. I met the stranger’s gaze and felt my heart pulse like a siren in my chest. I should attack him, I thought. I should chase him out. But I couldn’t bring myself to do either. Later, I would look back on this moment as the one when my real life began: the moment in which, without knowing why, to my own shock and against all reason, I lowered my weapon and went to forage for food.









第四篇女权双篇比较难,观点不好抓。第一篇节选自Elizabeth Stanton的Address Delivered at Seneca Falls,出自1848年,主要的观点就是女性应当得到选举权;第二篇节选自Frances E. W. Harper在1893年发表的演说Woman’s Political Future,这一篇首先描述了女性已经得到的一些权益,在各个领域都有了一席之地,因此作者认为这是一种为女性进入政界的铺垫 – 女性也该获得选举权了;但是关于普遍选举权作者持保留态度,认为选举权也应当通过考试获得。

历史/女权类文本的重点一般在于作者的观点,要捋顺作者的逻辑线条,尤其要看得出让步、转折等重要的逻辑点,不然容易抓错作者的中心思想。词汇和长难句拆解的能力在历史类文章阅读和解题当中是非常重要的,以及掌握一些快速阅读的技巧。比如:连续的排比句可以略读 – 因为表达的是同样的观点;反问句可以当观点句看;从句可以跳读;转折前的内容可以略读,转折后的内容仔细读 – 因为作者的观点一般都在转折之后;等等。





“The SAT Writing and Language Test is designed to assess how well you can revise and edit a range of texts to improve the expression of ideas and to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, and punctuation.”


1. 修改文章中的错误 – “写的对”

这也是大家写完一篇文章后首先需要检查的部分,如是否有typo、语法错误、标点错误等。这部分对应标题中的Language Test语言测试,即大家所熟知的语法题,测试语言本身,即书写是否规范、语法是否正确,如时态、主谓一致、代词、标点等。

2. 改善文章中的表达 – “写的好”

除了检查是否有错误之外,大家在编辑文章时也需要考虑到上下文的衔接与连贯,即篇章题。这部分对应标题中的Writing Test写作测试,是在语法正确的基础上,进一步考察学生能否“写的好”。


  • 句法题:系统学习,扎实掌握每一个语法知识点,做题时识别考点,熟练运用知识点,对错题进行分析与总结。

  • 篇章题:词汇量(SAT需要13000以上)及阅读能力进一步提高,熟悉不同篇章题的做题思路与技巧,对错题进行思路梳理与总结。





稍有难度的是complex number复数的除法,以及有一道老师上课多次强调的sample size的改变对于margins of error的影响。


SAT的大山 - 阅读备考建议

1. 单词

每天单词1小时起步(1st priority, 即使再忙没有时间做别的练习,也要挤时间背单词哦!)。


2. 刷题


OG:8套题二刷、三刷。(整套计时65 min)


  • 批改+纠错

  • 精读文章,圈出生词并背诵:

  • 把文章当中的长难句拎出来进行翻译,抓主干:

  • 历史/女权文章拎出观点;

  • 科学社科类文章画一画文章的结构,圈一下考点。


  • 真题

顺序从后往前(从最近的开始往前刷),单篇计时12min,整套计时65 min。做完以后:

  • 批改+纠错;

  • 如果遇到错题数2个以上的文章,需要进行精读:精读要求同上;

  • 纠错;


  • 课外阅读;


  • 模考。
