国际学生的面试一般分为校友面试和第三方面试。有的面试需要提前request, 有的是你递交申请后等着面试通知就行。如果学校给你发了面试邀请,你最好是去参加,这是很好的展示自己的机会,尽管所有的学校都说面试不是录取的参考因素,不参加不会影响录取。第三方的面试则需要注意递交给学校的时间(尽管第三方面试作用有限)。
China: we have a limited number ofinterviewers. If the Admissions Committee requires more information about you,you will be contacted by the Admissions Office. If you are not interviewed, itwill not adversely affect your candidacy。
Be invited.
Where possible, applicants will becontacted by a volunteer after submitting an application.
Applicants may express interest in anAlumni Interview via their UChicago Account afterthey have begun theirapplication to UChicago.
中国学生:International Center Interviews:June 19-Aug 11,Beijing
we respectfully ask that you do not call orwrite to inquire about receiving an interview. You will be contacted directlyif an interview is available in the same area as your high school.
Columbia recommends that applicantsattending high school in China schedule admissions interviews with InitialViewor Vericant. Interviews must be scheduled, completed and submitted to Columbiaby November 15 for Early Decision or January 15 for Regular Decision. Given theratio of applicants to alumni interviewers in China, the interview withInitialView or Vericant will take the place of an alumni interview for somecandidates.
Applicants will be contacted byinterviewers as our local volunteer resources allow, and applicants may notrequest an interview.
You will receive your EducationalCounselor's (EC) name and contact information via your MyMIT account.
Please note that, unlike many otherschools, at MIT you must contact your interviewer! If you are applying duringEarly Action, you must contact your interviewer by October 20; Regular Actionapplicants must contact their interviewers by December 10.
If there are no alumni/ae volunteering tointerview in your area, we may try to arrange a SKYPE interview for you or yourMyMIT account will indicate that we are unable to offer you an interview with alocal volunteer. Please don't let this distress you. Remember, the interview isnot a required component of the application, and the Admissions Committee willbe aware that we were unable to offer you an interview.
We have alumni volunteers conductinginterviews in forty-two countries worldwide.
Because of the high volume of applicants wereceive from China, Duke will accept admissions interviews from InitialView forstudents attending school in China. These interviews will serve in lieu ofalumni interviews. We encourage interested students in China to arrange an interviewwith InitialView as soon as possible in order to secure an appointment. Allinterviews must be submitted to Duke by December 1 for Early Decision and March1 for Regular Decision.
Applicants cannot requestinterviews. Offered based on availability. If you receive an invitation for analumni interview, we strongly encourage you to make time for this opportunity.