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  2. 美国高中
  3. 美国高中Niche与FindingSchool排名有什么不同?


近年来中国赴美国留学的留学生越来越多,服务过这么多学生以来,我们发现在家长选校过程中非常注重学校的排名,不管是Niche还是Finding School都作为家长在选择学校时的重要参考。而这两个排名也一直受到家长的青睐和信任。










1.Phillips Academy Andover

2.Phillips Exeter Academy

3.The Hotchkiss School

4.Choate Rosemary Hall

5.The Lawrenceville School

6.Groton School

7.St.Paul's School

8.Concord Academy

9.Deerfield Academy

10.Milton Academy

11.Middlesex School

12.The Loomis Chaffee School

13.The Thacher School

14.Cranbrook Schools

15.Cate School

16.The Hockaday School

17.Lake Forest Academy

18.The Taft School

19.St.Albans School(男校)

20.St.Stephen's Episcopal School

21.St.Andrew's School--DE

22.St.Mark's School

23.Peddie School

24.Mercersburg Academy

25.Emma Willard School

26.Northfield Mount Hermon School

27.The Webb Schools CA

28.The Athenian School

29.Pomfret School

30.Kent School

31.Thomas Jefferson School

32.United World College USA

33.'Iolani School

34.Episcopal High School

35.The Madeira School

36.Western Reserve Academy

37.The Stony Brook School

38.George School

39.Georgetown Preparatory School

40.Shady Side Academy

41.Princeton International School of Math and Science

42.Oregon Episcopal School

43.Blair Academy

44.The Hill School

45.Indian Springs School

46.Woodside Priory School

47.Miss Poter's School

48.Berkshire School

49.Suffield Academy

50.The Village School


1、菲利普斯埃克塞特中学Phillips Exeter Academy

2、菲利普斯学校安多佛Phillips Academy Andover

3、乔特罗斯玛丽中学Choate Rosemary Hall

4、劳伦斯威尔高中The Lawrenceville School

5、霍奇基斯中学The Hotchkiss School

6、米尔顿高中Milton Academy

7、圣保罗中学St.Paul's School

8、格罗顿学校Groton School

9、米德尔塞克斯中学Middlesex School

10、迪尔菲尔德学院Deerfield Academy

11、康科德学院Concord Academy

12、凯特中学Cate School

13、圣马克学校St.Mark's School

14、佩迪中学Peddie School

15、圣安德鲁学校(特拉华州)St.Andrew's School,DE

16、塔夫脱中学The Taft School

17、韦伯中学The Webb Schools

18、布莱尔学院Blair Academy

19、主教高中Episcopal High School

20、撒切尔学校The Thacher School

21、北野山高中Northfield Mount Hermon School

22、希尔中学The Hill School

23、肯特高中Kent School

24、苏菲尔德学院Suffield Academy

25、西储学院Western Reserve Academy

26、摩尔西斯堡学院Mercersburg Academy

27、艾玛威拉德女子中学Emma Willard School

28、霍克黛女子学校The Hockaday School

29、圣乔治学校St.George's School

30、伽文纳中学The Governor's Academy

31、鲁米斯查菲高中The Loomis Chaffee School

32、伯克希尔中学Berkshire School

33、达娜豪尔女子高中Dana Hall School

34、威斯敏斯特学院Westminster School

35、布鲁克斯学校Brooks School

36、圣斯蒂芬教会学校St.Stephen's Episcopal School TX

37、威利斯顿?诺塞普顿中学Williston Northampton School

38、乔治城预科学校Georgetown Preparatory School

39、史蒂文森中学Stevenson School

40、泰博学院Tabor Academy

41、波特女子高中Miss Porter's School

42、伍德赛德中学Woodside Priory School

43、西城中学Westtown School

44、圣安德鲁学校Saint Andrew's School

45、圣奥尔本斯中学St.Albans School

46、克瑞布鲁克中学Cranbrook Schools

47、潘宁顿中学The Pennington School

48、庞弗雷特中学Pomfret School

49、湖森中学Lake Forest Academy

50、柯尔沃学院Culver Academies