


University of Southern California

  • 加利福尼亚州 Los Angeles城市
  • 学校类型:大学
  • 公立/私立:私立
  • 住宿方式:寄宿
  • 学费:$58,195
  • 学校名称:南加州大学
  • US News :24
  • 学校电话:(213) 740-1111
  • 学校地址:University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0001


官网网址: www.usc.edu/



师生比: 1:9

学生规模:48321 (20351 大学本科)


校园环境:城市: 大型


平均花费: 67212美元

南加州大学(University of Southern California,缩写USC ),简称南加大,位于加州洛杉矶市中心,由监理会于1880年创立,是加州最古老的私立研究型大学。

根据南加大为2005年准新生预备的入学申请文件所引的资料,南加大已成为全国最具竞争力的大学之一,全美大学排第27名。其中电影学院全美排名第一,工程学院全美排名第八。在2006年,34,000申请者中只录取2700名学生。南加大于2000年获时代杂志(Time Magazine)被评选为年度风云大学(College of the Year)。根据卡内基教育基金会2005年公布的大学分类,南加大被归类为特高研究型大学(very high research activity)。在美国4383所高等学府中,只有96所获得此项分类。

南加大亦是新近的诺贝尔化学奖得主、洛克碳氢研究所所长George Olah教授的驻在处。南加大也是少数同时拥有两座由国家科学基金会(NSF)提供资金设立的工程研究中心(ERC)--专门研究网络及多媒体的综合多媒体系统中心(IMSC) 以及微电子生物系统中心(BMES) 。此外,南加大被美国国土安全部选为第一所国土安全卓越中心。







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SAT II递交截止日期: 1月10日







外语、文学与语言学(Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics)

- 经典语言文学,概述(Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General)

- 语言学(比较类似语言学研究),其他(Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies and Services, Other)

- 语言学(Linguistics)

- 意大利语言文学(Italian Language and Literature)

- 德语语言文学(German Language and Literature)

- 比较文学(Comparative Literature)

- 西班牙和拉美语言及语言文学,概述(Hispanic and Latin American Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General)

- 俄语语言文学(Russian Language and Literature)

- 斯拉夫语言文学,概述(Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General)

- 西班牙语言文学(Spanish Language and Literature)

- 法语语言文学(French Language and Literature)

- 东亚语言文学,概述(East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General)

通信、新闻和相关程序(Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs)

- 新闻(Journalism)

- 通信和媒体,其他(Communication and Media Studies, Other)

- 公共关系管理(Public Relations/Image Management)

- 语言交流与措辞学(Speech Communication and Rhetoric)

- 通讯学,概述(Communication, General)

- 通信和新闻学,其他(Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other)

- 数字通信和多媒体(Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia)

- 国际和跨文化交际(International and Intercultural Communication)

- 新闻广播学(Broadcast Journalism)


- 教学法(Learning Sciences)

- 城市教育管理(Urban Education and Leadership)

- 英语教学(作为第二语言或外语)(Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor)

- 大学生私人咨询服务师(College Student Counseling and Personnel Services)

- 教育学,概述(Education, General)

- 小学教育与教学(Elementary Education and Teaching)

- 特殊教育教学,概述(Special Education and Teaching, General)

- 教育管理,概述(Educational Leadership and Administration, General)

- 师范教育和专业发展,其他(Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other)

- 高等教育管理(Higher Education/Higher Education Administration)

- 音乐师范(Music Teacher Education)

- 教育,其他(Education, Other)

- (Foreign Language Teacher Education)

- 教育教学和专业发展,其他(Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other)

- 辅导员教育(Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services)

- 教育管理和监督,其他(Educational Administration and Supervision, Other)

- 天赋特长教育(Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented)

- 中学教育与教学(Secondary Education and Teaching)

自然资源与保护(Natural Resources and Conservation)

- 环境学(Environmental Studies)

- 环境科学(Environmental Science)

建筑学及相关科学(Architecture and Related Services)

- 建筑及相关服务,其他(Architecture and Related Services, Other)

- 城市区域规划(City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning)

- 建筑史及其鉴定,概述(Architectural History and Criticism, General)

- 建筑科学(Architectural and Building Sciences/Technology)

- 房地产开发(Real Estate Development)

- 建筑学(Architecture)

- 园林建筑学(Landscape Architecture)

- 环境设计师(Environmental Design/Architecture)

地区、民族、文化、性别和群体研究(Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender and Group Studies)

- 美国文明研究学(American/United States Studies/Civilization)

- 亚裔美国人研究(Asian-American Studies)

- 俄罗斯、中欧、东欧及欧亚研究(Russian, Central European, East European and Eurasian Studies)

- 东亚研究(East Asian Studies)

- 西班牙裔的美国人,波多黎各和墨西哥裔美国人研究(Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies)

- 中东研究(Near and Middle Eastern Studies)

- 种族、少数民族、性别和族群研究,其他(Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies, Other)

- 非裔美国人研究学(African-American/Black Studies)

- 地狱研究,其他(Area Studies, Other)

业务、管理、市场营销和相关支持服务(Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services)

- 工商管理,概述(Business Administration and Management, General)

- 建筑工程管理(Construction Management)

- 国际贸易(International Business/Trade/Commerce)

- 市场营销管理,概述(Marketing/Marketing Management, General)

- 税务(Taxation)

- 管理学(Management Science)

- 餐饮服务管理(Restaurant/Food Services Management)

- 商业管理及市场营销,其他(Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other)

- 会计(Accounting)

- 商务,概述(Business/Commerce, General)

- 房地产(Real Estate)

- 工商运营管理,其他(Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other)

- 商务统计学(Business Statistics)

- 金融,概述(Finance, General)

- 中小企业运营,其他(Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other)

- 物流、材料、和供应链管理(Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management)

- 定量管理科学,其他(Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other)

- 非营利性公共组织管理(Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management)


- 应用心理学(Applied Psychology)

- 实验心理学,其他(Research and Experimental Psychology, Other)

- 心理学,概述(Psychology, General)

- 应用行为分析(Applied Behavior Analysis)


- 建筑工程学(Architectural Engineering)

- 运筹学(Operations Research)

- 土木工程,概述(Civil Engineering, General)

- 石油工程(Petroleum Engineering)

- 计算机工程,概述(Computer Engineering, General)

- 公路与运输工程(Transportation and Highway Engineering)

- 电气、电子和通信工程技术,其他(Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Other)

- 环保工程(Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering)

- 通信工程(Telecommunications Engineering)

- 计算机软件工程(Computer Software Engineering)

- 水利工程(Water Resources Engineering)

- 建筑工程学(Structural Engineering)

- 工程学,其他(Engineering, Other)

- 系统工程学(Systems Engineering)

- 机械工程,概述(Mechanical Engineering)

- 制造工程(Manufacturing Engineering)

- 土木工程,其他(Civil Engineering, Other)

- 原料工程(Materials Engineering)

- 化学工程(Chemical Engineering)

- 电力和电子工程(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

- 工业工程学(Industrial Engineering)

- 生化工程及生物医学工程(Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering)

- 航空航天工程(Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering)

军事技术与应用科学(Military Technologies and Applied Sciences)

- 地理空间情报(Signal/Geospatial Intelligence)

卫生专业及相关项目(Health Professions and Related Programs)

- 先进的牙科技术(Advanced General Dentistry)

- 治疗师(Occupational Therapy/Therapist)

- 公共卫生,其他(Public Health, Other)

- 理疗师(Physical Therapy/Therapist)

- 国际公共卫生(International Public Health/International Health)

- 药物管理、政策和法规事务(Pharmacy Administration and Pharmacy Policy and Regulatory Affairs)

- 助理医师(Physician Assistant)

- 牙医(Dentistry)

- 药物科学(Pharmaceutical Sciences)

- 医药学(Medicine)

- 药物经济学(Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmaceutical Economics)

- 口腔生物学和口腔病理学(Oral Biology and Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology)

- 牙髓学(Endodontics/Endodontology)

- 畸齿矫正学(Orthodontics/Orthodontology)

- 牙周病学(Periodontics/Periodontology)

- 麻醉护士(Nurse Anesthetist)

- 临床医疗学,其他(Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other)

- 家庭护理(Family Practice Nurse/Nursing)

- 康复治疗学,其他(Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other)

- 制药、医药科学和管理,其他(Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, Other)

- 口腔颚面外科学(Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery)

- 健康行政管理(Health/Health Care Administration/Management)

- 工业和物理制药及化妆品科学(Industrial and Physical Pharmacy and Cosmetic Sciences)

- 长期行政管理(Long Term Care Administration/Management)

- 洗牙师(Dental Hygiene/Hygienist)

- 行为健康学(Behavioral Aspects of Health)

- 临床药物与产业发展(Clinical and Industrial Drug Development)

- 假牙修复学(Prosthodontics/Prosthodontology)

- (Health/Medical Physics)

- 高等牙科及口腔科学(Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences, Other)

- 婚姻及家庭咨询顾问(Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling)

- 儿童口腔学(Pediatric Dentistry/Pedodontics)

- 药剂学(Pharmacy)

- 医疗健康保健学,概述(Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General)

- 医学研究员(Medical Scientist)

- 公共卫生,概述(Public Health, General)

神学与宗教(Theology and Religious Vocations)

- 宗教音乐学(Religious/Sacred Music)

哲学与宗教研究(Philosophy and Religious Studies)

- 犹太学(Jewish/Judaic Studies)

- 宗教学(Religion/Religious Studies)

- 哲学,其他(Philosophy, Other)

- 哲学(Philosophy)

- 伦理学(Ethics)

多学科研究(Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies)

- 人类生理学(Human Biology)

- 可持续发展研究学(Sustainability Studies)

- 海洋科学(Marine Sciences)

- 国际关系(International/Global Studies)

- 多/跨学科研究,其他(Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other)

- 古迹保存与保护(Historic Preservation and Conservation)

- 争端调解(Dispute Resolution)

- 认知科学(Cognitive Science)

- 老年病学(Gerontology)

英语语言文学/文学(English Language and Literature/Letters)

- 英语语言文学,概述(English Language and Literature, General)

- 创意写作(Creative Writing)

- 写作与修辞研究,其他(Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies, Other)

图书馆学(Library Science)

- 图书馆信息科学(Library and Information Science)

自然科学(物理、化学、天文、地理)(Physical Sciences)

- 天文学(Astronomy)

- 材料科学(Materials Science)

- 化学物理学(Chemical Physics)

- 物理,概述(Physics, General)

- 地理学,概述(Geology/Earth Science, General)

- 化学,概述(Chemistry, General)

- 自然科学(物理、化学、天文、地理)(Physical Sciences)

公共管理与社会服务业(Public Administration and Social Service Professions)

- 公共管理(Public Administration)

- 公共管理和社会服务行业,其他(Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other)

- 社会工作(Social Work)

- 公共政策分析,概述(Public Policy Analysis, General)

- 社会工作,其他(Social Work, Other)

- 公共政策分析,其他(Public Policy Analysis, Other)

- 国际政策分析(International Policy Analysis)


- 历史,概述(History, General)

- 历史,其他(History, Other)

生物和生物医学科学(Biological And Biomedical Sciences)

- 生物(Biochemistry)

- 癌症和肿瘤学(Oncology and Cancer Biology)

- 遗传学,其他(Genetics, Other)

- 生物科技(Biotechnology)

- 神经系统科学(Neuroscience)

- 分子医学(Molecular Medicine)

- 生物化学、生物物理和分子生物学,其他(Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Other)

- 流行性传染病学(Epidemiology)

- 微生物学与免疫学(Microbiology and Immunology)

- 生物和生物医学科学,其他(Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other)

- 分子生物学(Molecular Biology)

- 动物生物学(Zoology/Animal Biology)

- 生物化学与分子生物学(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

- 分子药理学(Molecular Pharmacology)

- 分子遗传学(Molecular Genetics)

- 生物信息学(Bioinformatics)

- 生物物理学(Biophysics)

- 生理、病理学及相关科学,其他(Physiology, Pathology, and Related Sciences, Other)

- 生物科学,概述(Biology/Biological Sciences, General)

- 神经科学(Neurobiology and Anatomy)

- 生理学,概述(Physiology, General)

- 生物统计学(Biostatistics)

- 细胞和分子生物学(Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology)

- 生物数学、生物信息学和计算生物学,其他(Biomathematics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology, Other)

- 实验病理学(Pathology/Experimental Pathology)

- 计算生物学(Computational Biology)

- 神经生物学和神经科学,其他(Neurobiology and Neurosciences, Other)

- 生物医学,概述(Biomedical Sciences, General)

- 生物进化学(Evolutionary Biology)

- 细胞生物学和解剖学,其他(Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other)

- 海洋生物学(Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography)

文科和科学,一般研究和人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities)

- 文科和理科/人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies)

公园、娱乐、休闲和健身的研究(Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies)

- 运动机能学(Kinesiology and Exercise Science)

社会科学(Social Sciences)

- 地理信息科学和制图(Geographic Information Science and Cartography)

- 考古学(Archeology)

- 国际关系与国际事务(International Relations and Affairs)

- 人类学(Anthropology)

- 地理(Geography)

- 社会学(Sociology)

- 经济,概述(Economics, General)

- 政治科学与政府学,概述(Political Science and Government, General)

- 社会科学,概述(Social Sciences, General)

- 发展经济学与国际动态(Development Economics and International Development)

- 政治经济学(Political Economy)

- 都市研究(Urban Studies/Affairs)

计算机和信息科学和支持服务(Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services)

- 数据建模和数据库管理(Data Modeling/Warehousing and Database Administration)

- 计算机系统及通信网络(Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications)

- 计算机科学(Computer Science)

- 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)

- (Computer and Information Sciences, Other)

- 信息科学(Informatics)

- 建模、虚拟环境和仿真(Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation)

- 计算机和信息系统安全保障(Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance)

法律和法律学(Legal Professions and Studies)

- 知识产权法(Intellectual Property Law)

- 国外法律研究(Programs for Foreign Lawyers)

- 税法(Tax Law/Taxation)

- 银行、企业、金融和证券法(Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law)

- 法律研究和高级专业研究,其他(Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies, Other)

- 法律及研究,其他(Legal Professions and Studies, Other)

- 比较法学(Comparative Law)

- 美国法律研究(American/U.S. Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence)

- 法学(Law)

视觉和表演艺术(Visual and Performing Arts)

- 美术及其他艺术研究,其他(Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other)

- 艺术、娱乐及媒体管理,概述(Arts, Entertainment,and Media Management, General)

- 民族音乐学(Musicology and Ethnomusicology)

- 编剧写作(Playwriting and Screenwriting)

- 键盘乐器(Keyboard Instruments)

- 发声与歌剧(Voice and Opera)

- 乐理和作曲(Music Theory and Composition)

- 游戏及互动媒体设计(Game and Interactive Media Design)

- 钢管乐器(Brass Instruments)

- 设计与应用艺术,其他(Design and Applied Arts, Other)

- 音乐表演(演奏),概述(Music Performance, General)

- 音乐(音乐史、著作及理论)(Music History, Literature, and Theory)

- 木管乐器(Woodwind Instruments)

- 艺术、娱乐及媒体管理,其他(Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management, Other)

- 戏剧艺术,概述(Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General)

- 爵士乐研究(Jazz/Jazz Studies)

- 鉴赏与艺术品保养(Art History, Criticism and Conservation)

- 打击乐器(Percussion Instruments)

- 舞蹈学,概述(Dance, General)

- 戏剧艺术及舞台表演能力,其他(Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other)

- 音乐,其他(Music, Other)

- 弦乐器(Stringed Instruments)

- 编导(Conducting)

- 摄影和电影(Cinematography and Film/Video Production)

- 音乐教育学(Music Pedagogy)

- 美术,概述(Fine/Studio Arts, General)

- 艺术,概述(Art/Art Studies, General)

- 表演(Acting)

- 音乐学,概述(Music, General)

- 音乐管理(Music Management)

- 数码艺术(Digital Arts)

- 视觉和表演艺术,概述(Visual and Performing Arts, General)

- 舞台设计/技术人员(Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology)

- 电影录像研究(Film/Cinema/Video Studies)

- 导演及舞台制作(Directing and Theatrical Production)

- 音乐工艺(Music Technology)

数学与统计学(Mathematics and Statistics)

- 金融数学(Financial Mathematics)

- 统计,概述(Statistics, General)

- 计算应用数学(Computational and Applied Mathematics)

- 应用数学,概述(Applied Mathematics, General)

- 数学,概述(Mathematics, General)