


Penn State University Park

  • 宾夕法尼亚州 University Park城市
加诚国际教育 »院校库»大学院校»公立大学»宾州州立大学帕克校区
  • 学校类型:大学
  • 公立/私立:公立
  • 住宿方式:寄宿
  • 学费:$34,858
  • 学校名称:宾州州立大学帕克校区
  • US News :57
  • 学校电话:(814) 865-5471
  • 学校地址:201 Old Main, University Park, PA 16802-1503

官网网址: www.psu.edu/




学生规模:91427 (76099 大学本科)


校园环境:城市: 小型


平均花费: 37290美元

每122位本科毕业的美国人中就有1个是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的校友。成立于1855年的宾州州立大学目前已经有了24个校区,尤尼弗西蒂帕克(University Park)是其中的主校区,也是规模最大的校区,有学生45000余人。距离宾州州府Harrisburg仅仅17英里的地理位置优势让主校区成为最受欢迎的宾夕法尼亚州立大学校区,同时也成为了录取率最低的校区。


如果想去宾夕法尼亚州立大学,可不能只是简单的准备和申请,要知道,宾夕法尼亚州立大学的申请竞争是相当激烈的。申请材料中主观性的个人陈述(personal statement)与简历部分属于非强制要求项。事实上,每年单纯以成绩的高低作为录取标准的录取人数,占总录取人数的2/3。所以,想去宾夕法尼亚州立大学,一个靠谱的标准化成绩是必不可少的首要条件。


SAT 总分:1620-1940

SAT 阅读:530-630

SAT 数学:560-670

SAT 写作:540-640

ACT 成绩范围

ACT 总分 25–29

ACT 英语 24–30

ACT 数学 25–30


建筑学及相关科学(Architecture and Related Services)

- 园林建筑学(Landscape Architecture)

- 建筑学(Architecture)

哲学与宗教研究(Philosophy and Religious Studies)

- 哲学(Philosophy)

- 宗教学(Religion/Religious Studies)

- 犹太学(Jewish/Judaic Studies)

通信、新闻和相关程序(Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs)

- 新闻学,其他(Journalism, Other)

- 大众传媒(Mass Communication/Media Studies)

- 语言交流与措辞学(Speech Communication and Rhetoric)

- 通信和新闻学,其他(Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other)

- 广告学(Advertising)

- 新闻(Journalism)

法律和法律学(Legal Professions and Studies)

- 法学(Law)

- 国外法律研究(Programs for Foreign Lawyers)

计算机和信息科学和支持服务(Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services)

- 数据处理及加工技术(Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician)

- 计算机信息科学,概述(Computer and Information Sciences, General)

- 计算机科学(Computer Science)

- 计算机和信息系统安全保障(Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance)

- 信息科技(Information Technology)

- 多媒体信息资源设计(Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design)

- 信息科学(Information Science/Studies)

卫生专业及相关项目(Health Professions and Related Programs)

- 医学预科(Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies)

- 护理管理(Nursing Administration)

- 康复治疗学,其他(Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other)

- 通信科学与障碍,概述(Communication Sciences and Disorders, General)

- 戒瘾顾问(Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling)

- 健康行政管理(Health/Health Care Administration/Management)

- 兽医微生物学与免疫生物学(Veterinary Microbiology and Immunobiology)

- 注册护士(Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse)

- 公共卫生,概述(Public Health, General)

- 注册护理、护理管理、护理科研和临床护理,其他(Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing, Other)

- 营养师助理(Dietitian Assistant)

- 兽医预科(Pre-Veterinary Studies)

- 运动教练(Athletic Training/Trainer)

- 家庭护理(Family Practice Nurse/Nursing)

外语、文学与语言学(Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics)

- 德语语言文学(German Language and Literature)

- 汉语语言文学(Chinese Language and Literature)

- 俄语语言文学(Russian Language and Literature)

- 法语语言文学(French Language and Literature)

- 意大利语言文学(Italian Language and Literature)

- 经典语言文学,概述(Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General)

- 西班牙语言文学(Spanish Language and Literature)

- 比较文学(Comparative Literature)

- 语言学(Linguistics)

- 日语语言文学(Japanese Language and Literature)

生物和生物医学科学(Biological And Biomedical Sciences)

- 植物生理学(Plant Physiology)

- 细胞和分子生物学(Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology)

- 动物生理学(Animal Physiology)

- 植物病理学(Plant Pathology/Phytopathology)

- 微生物医学与细菌学(Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology)

- 生物医学,概述(Biomedical Sciences, General)

- 昆虫学(Entomology)

- 遗传学,概述(Genetics, General)

- (Molecular Toxicology)

- 免疫学(Immunology)

- 神经系统科学(Neuroscience)

- 生物(Biochemistry)

- 毒理学(Toxicology)

- 生物科学,概述(Biology/Biological Sciences, General)

- 实验病理学(Pathology/Experimental Pathology)

- 生物科技(Biotechnology)

- 生物和生物医学科学,其他(Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other)

- 生态学(Ecology)

视觉和表演艺术(Visual and Performing Arts)

- 发声与歌剧(Voice and Opera)

- 编导(Conducting)

- 平面造型设计(Graphic Design)

- 设计与应用艺术,其他(Design and Applied Arts, Other)

- 民族音乐学(Musicology and Ethnomusicology)

- 音乐(音乐史、著作及理论)(Music History, Literature, and Theory)

- 电影录像研究(Film/Cinema/Video Studies)

- 戏剧艺术,概述(Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General)

- 音乐学,概述(Music, General)

- 鉴赏与艺术品保养(Art History, Criticism and Conservation)

- 键盘乐器(Keyboard Instruments)

- 乐理和作曲(Music Theory and Composition)

- 舞台设计/技术人员(Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology)

- 表演(Acting)

- 音乐表演(演奏),概述(Music Performance, General)

- 艺术,概述(Art/Art Studies, General)

- 视觉和表演艺术,概述(Visual and Performing Arts, General)

地区、民族、文化、性别和群体研究(Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender and Group Studies)

- 东亚研究(East Asian Studies)

- 拉美学研究(Latin American Studies)

- 亚洲文明学(Asian Studies/Civilization)

- 女性学(Women's Studies)

- 非裔美国人研究学(African-American/Black Studies)

- 非洲语言研究(African Studies)

业务、管理、市场营销和相关支持服务(Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services)

- 商业管理及市场营销,其他(Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other)

- 酒店行政/管理,其他(Hospitality Administration/Management, Other)

- 劳动关系(Labor and Industrial Relations)

- 定量管理科学,其他(Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other)

- 物流、材料、和供应链管理(Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management)

- 会计(Accounting)

- 中小企业运营,其他(Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other)

- 工商管理,概述(Business Administration and Management, General)

- 金融,概述(Finance, General)

- 会计和商务管理(Accounting and Business/Management)

- 组织行为学(Organizational Behavior Studies)

- 商务,概述(Business/Commerce, General)

- 商业经济学(Business/Managerial Economics)

- 人力资源管理,概述(Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General)

- 人力资源管理和服务,其他(Human Resources Management and Services, Other)

- 精算学(Actuarial Science)

- 劳动研究(Labor Studies)

- 信息系统管理,概述(Management Information Systems, General)

- 市场营销管理,概述(Marketing/Marketing Management, General)

文科和科学,一般研究和人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities)

- 文科和理科/人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies)

多学科研究(Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies)

- 中世纪文艺复兴研究(Medieval and Renaissance Studies)

- 国际关系(International/Global Studies)

- 生物与物理科学(Biological and Physical Sciences)

- 科学技术和社会科学(Science, Technology and Society)


- 中学教育与教学(Secondary Education and Teaching)

- 课程和指导(Curriculum and Instruction)

- 教育评估和研究,其他(Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research, Other)

- 艺术师范(Art Teacher Education)

- (Foreign Language Teacher Education)

- 辅导员教育(Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services)

- 英语教学(作为第二语言或外语)(Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor)

- 小学教育与教学(Elementary Education and Teaching)

- 法语教学(作为第二语言或外语)(Teaching French as a Second or Foreign Language)

- 音乐师范(Music Teacher Education)

- 教育学的社会哲学基础学(Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education)

- 教育评估及研究(Educational Evaluation and Research)

- 高等教育管理(Higher Education/Higher Education Administration)

- 幼儿教育(Early Childhood Education and Teaching)

- 教育教学技术(Educational/Instructional Technology)

- 大学生私人咨询服务师(College Student Counseling and Personnel Services)

- 教育管理,概述(Educational Leadership and Administration, General)

- 成人教育(Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching)

- 成人教育管理(Adult and Continuing Education Administration)

- 农业师范(Agricultural Teacher Education)

- 特殊教育教学,概述(Special Education and Teaching, General)

科技/技术人员(Science Technologies/Technicians)

- 生物实验技术员(Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician)

公园、娱乐、休闲和健身的研究(Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies)

- 娱乐休闲研究(Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies)

- 休闲娱乐设施管理,概述(Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, General)

- 运动机能学(Kinesiology and Exercise Science)

公共管理与社会服务业(Public Administration and Social Service Professions)

- 公共管理(Public Administration)

- 社区组织和宣传(Community Organization and Advocacy)

- 青年服务/管理(Youth Services/Administration)

国土安全、执法、消防和相关保护服务(Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services)

- 刑事司法(Criminal Justice/Safety Studies)

- 法医科学技术(Forensic Science and Technology)

- 刑事司法/行政执法(Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration)

- 保护性服务(国土安全、执法、消防等),其他(Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other)

数学与统计学(Mathematics and Statistics)

- 数学,概述(Mathematics, General)

- 统计,概述(Statistics, General)

农业、农业经营及相关科学(Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences)

- 动物科学,概述(Animal Sciences, General)

- 农业企业业务操作(Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations)

- 农业运作及相关科学,其他(Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences, Other)

- 园艺科学(Horticultural Science)

- 草坪和草坪管理(Turf and Turfgrass Management)

- 农业机械化,概述(Agricultural Mechanization, General)

- 土壤学及农业学,概述(Soil Science and Agronomy, General)

- 园艺景观美化(Landscaping and Groundskeeping)

- 植物科学,概述(Plant Sciences, General)

- 植物科学,其他(Plant Sciences, Other)

- 植物保护和综合病虫害管理(Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management)

- 农艺作物科学(Agronomy and Crop Science)

- 农业经营和管理,其他(Agricultural Business and Management, Other)

- 农业,概述(Agriculture, General)

- 食品科学(Food Science)


- 教育心理学(Educational Psychology)

- 心理咨询辅导(Counseling Psychology)

- 心理学,概述(Psychology, General)

- 教育心理学(School Psychology)

工程技术与工程相关领域(Engineering Technology and Engineering-Related Fields)

- 环境工程(Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology)

社会科学(Social Sciences)

- 人类学(Anthropology)

- 社会学(Sociology)

- 地理(Geography)

- 犯罪刑事学,其他(Criminology)

- 经济,概述(Economics, General)

- 政治科学与政府学,概述(Political Science and Government, General)

- 国际关系与国际事务(International Relations and Affairs)

- 考古学(Archeology)

- 社会科学,其他(Social Sciences, Other)


- 历史,概述(History, General)


- 化学工程(Chemical Engineering)

- 电力和电子工程(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

- 农业工程(Agricultural Engineering)

- 工程科学(Engineering Science)

- 建筑工程学(Architectural Engineering)

- 环保工程(Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering)

- 原料工程(Materials Engineering)

- 航空航天工程(Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering)

- 工程学,概述(Engineering, General)

- 工业工程学(Industrial Engineering)

- 石油工程(Petroleum Engineering)

- 矿业和采矿工程(Mining and Mineral Engineering)

- 工程力学(Engineering Mechanics)

- 原子能工程学(Nuclear Engineering)

- 计算机工程,概述(Computer Engineering, General)

- 工程学,其他(Engineering, Other)

- 机械工程,概述(Mechanical Engineering)

- 土木工程,概述(Civil Engineering, General)

- 生化工程及生物医学工程(Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering)

自然科学(物理、化学、天文、地理)(Physical Sciences)

- 地理学,概述(Geology/Earth Science, General)

- 材料科学(Materials Science)

- 物理,概述(Physics, General)

- 天文学(Astronomy)

- 自然科学,其他(Physical Sciences, Other)

- 地质地理学,其他(Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other)

- 大气科学和气象,概述(Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General)

- 化学,概述(Chemistry, General)

- 声学(Acoustics)

家庭和消费科学/人类科学(Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences)

- 人类营养学(Human Nutrition)

- 儿童发展学(Child Development)

- 人类发展与家庭研究,概述(Human Development and Family Studies, General)

英语语言文学/文学(English Language and Literature/Letters)

- 英语语言文学,概述(English Language and Literature, General)

自然资源与保护(Natural Resources and Conservation)

- 自然资源保护学,概述(Natural Resources/Conservation, General)

- 自然资源经济学(Natural Resource Economics)

- 森林资源管理(Forest Management/Forest Resources Management)

- 森林科学和生物学(Forest Sciences and Biology)

- 环境学(Environmental Studies)

- 自然资源及其保护,其他(Natural Resources and Conservation, Other)

- 森林技术学(Forest Technology/Technician)


宾州州立大学创建于 1855 年,是一所公立综合大学。

学校下设农学系、艺术与建筑系、商业管理系、传媒系、地球及矿业系、教育系、 工程系、健康与人类发展系、人文科学系及理学系。

学校占地 6,138 英亩,坐落在哈里斯堡西北7 0 英里的大学城。






