


University of Delaware

  • 特拉华州 Newark城市
  • 学校类型:大学
  • 公立/私立:公立
  • 住宿方式:寄宿
  • 学费:$34,310
  • 学校名称:特拉华大学
  • US News :97
  • 学校电话:(302) 831-8123
  • 学校地址:210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716-5200




强势专业包括:工程(化学、生物医学、机械、土木、电气),商科(会计、工商管理、金融、酒店业、餐饮业、制度管理),科学(农业与自然资源、生物、化学、海洋科学、物理学),物理治疗,艺术保存。 专业选择并非易事,尤其是只能选择一项专业的时候。但在德拉华大学,学生可以选择双专业,并学习多种辅修专业。学校设有超过145种专业供学生选择。









公园、娱乐、休闲和健身的研究(Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies)

- 运动机能学(Kinesiology and Exercise Science)

- 体育和健身行政管理(Sport and Fitness Administration/Management)

- 身体健康和体育健身,概述(Health and Physical Education/Fitness, General)

卫生专业及相关项目(Health Professions and Related Programs)

- 理疗师(Physical Therapy/Therapist)

- 运动教练(Athletic Training/Trainer)

- 行为健康学(Behavioral Aspects of Health)

- 注册护士(Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse)

- 公共卫生,概述(Public Health, General)

- 兽医预科(Pre-Veterinary Studies)

- 营养学(Dietetics/Dietitian)

- 临床医疗学,其他(Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other)

- 临床医疗(Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist)

国土安全、执法、消防和相关保护服务(Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services)

- 灾害危机应急管理(Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management)

业务、管理、市场营销和相关支持服务(Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services)

- 金融,概述(Finance, General)

- 旅店管理(Hotel/Motel Administration/Management)

- 运营管理和监督(Operations Management and Supervision)

- 信息系统管理,概述(Management Information Systems, General)

- 市场营销管理,概述(Marketing/Marketing Management, General)

- 酒店行政/管理,其他(Hospitality Administration/Management, Other)

- 创业学(Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies)

- 组织领导学(Organizational Leadership)

- 国际贸易(International Business/Trade/Commerce)

- 会计(Accounting)

- 工商管理,概述(Business Administration and Management, General)

社会科学(Social Sciences)

- 人类学(Anthropology)

- 政治科学与政府学,概述(Political Science and Government, General)

- 经济,概述(Economics, General)

- 社会学(Sociology)

- 经济学,其他(Economics, Other)

- 地理(Geography)

- 都市研究(Urban Studies/Affairs)

- 犯罪刑事学,其他(Criminology)

- 国际关系与国际事务(International Relations and Affairs)

- 计量经济学和数量经济学(Econometrics and Quantitative Economics)

- 政治科学与政府学,其他(Political Science and Government, Other)

工程技术与工程相关领域(Engineering Technology and Engineering-Related Fields)

- 与工程先关领域学,其他(Engineering-Related Fields, Other)

- 工程技术,概述(Engineering Technology, General)

哲学与宗教研究(Philosophy and Religious Studies)

- 哲学(Philosophy)

家庭和消费科学/人类科学(Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences)

- 人类发展与家庭研究,概述(Human Development and Family Studies, General)

- 服装纺织业,概述(Apparel and Textiles, General)

- 食品营养和健康学,概述(Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General)

- 人类营养学(Human Nutrition)

生物和生物医学科学(Biological And Biomedical Sciences)

- 神经系统科学(Neuroscience)

- 生物信息学(Bioinformatics)

- 海洋生物学(Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography)

- 运动生物学(Exercise Physiology)

- 生物(Biochemistry)

- 生物科技(Biotechnology)

- 计算生物学(Computational Biology)

- 生态学(Ecology)

- 生物科学,概述(Biology/Biological Sciences, General)

- 昆虫学(Entomology)

数学与统计学(Mathematics and Statistics)

- 数学,概述(Mathematics, General)

- 应用数学,概述(Applied Mathematics, General)

- 统计,概述(Statistics, General)

自然科学(物理、化学、天文、地理)(Physical Sciences)

- 化学,概述(Chemistry, General)

- 物理,概述(Physics, General)

- 大气科学和气象,概述(Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General)

- 材料科学(Materials Science)

- 地理学,概述(Geology/Earth Science, General)

- 海洋学、化学和物理学(Oceanography, Chemical and Physical)

农业、农业经营及相关科学(Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences)

- 园艺景观美化(Landscaping and Groundskeeping)

- 植物科学,其他(Plant Sciences, Other)

- 食品科学(Food Science)

- 农业,概述(Agriculture, General)

- 动物科学,概述(Animal Sciences, General)

- 农业经营和管理,概述(Agricultural Business and Management, General)

- 土壤学及农业学,概述(Soil Science and Agronomy, General)

- 植物科学,概述(Plant Sciences, General)

- 植物保护和综合病虫害管理(Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management)


- 西班牙语师范(Spanish Language Teacher Education)

- 课程和指导(Curriculum and Instruction)

- 教育管理,概述(Educational Leadership and Administration, General)

- 阅读教育师范(Reading Teacher Education)

- 音乐师范(Music Teacher Education)

- 中学教育与教学(Secondary Education and Teaching)

- 城市教育管理(Urban Education and Leadership)

- 农业师范(Agricultural Teacher Education)

- 社会学师范教育(Social Studies Teacher Education)

- 数学师范(Mathematics Teacher Education)

- 小学教育与教学(Elementary Education and Teaching)

- 特殊教育教学,概述(Special Education and Teaching, General)

- 教育教学技术(Educational/Instructional Technology)

- 历史学师范(History Teacher Education)

- 教育学,概述(Education, General)

- 英语师范(English/Language Arts Teacher Education)

- 英语教学(作为第二语言或外语)(Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor)

- 幼儿教育(Early Childhood Education and Teaching)

- 心理学师范(Psychology Teacher Education)

- 化学师范(Chemistry Teacher Education)

- 地理科学师范(Earth Science Teacher Education)

- 生物师范教育(Biology Teacher Education)

公共管理与社会服务业(Public Administration and Social Service Professions)

- 公共管理(Public Administration)

- 公共政策分析,概述(Public Policy Analysis, General)

- 公共事业,概述(Human Services, General)


- 历史,概述(History, General)

文科和科学,一般研究和人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities)

- 常识学(General Studies)

- 文科和理科/人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies)

视觉和表演艺术(Visual and Performing Arts)

- 设计和视觉传播,概述(Design and Visual Communications, General)

- 美术,概述(Fine/Studio Arts, General)

- 鉴赏与艺术品保养(Art History, Criticism and Conservation)

- 时装设计(Fashion/Apparel Design)

- 乐理和作曲(Music Theory and Composition)

- 艺术,概述(Art/Art Studies, General)

- 发声与歌剧(Voice and Opera)

- 音乐学,概述(Music, General)

英语语言文学/文学(English Language and Literature/Letters)

- 英语语言文学,概述(English Language and Literature, General)


- 心理学,概述(Psychology, General)

- 教育心理学(School Psychology)

通信、新闻和相关程序(Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs)

- 语言交流与措辞学(Speech Communication and Rhetoric)

外语、文学与语言学(Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics)

- 意大利语言文学(Italian Language and Literature)

- 比较文学(Comparative Literature)

- 外国语言和语言文学,概述(Foreign Languages and Literatures, General)

- 外语语言文学,其他(Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other)

- 语言学(Linguistics)

建筑学及相关科学(Architecture and Related Services)

- 园林建筑学(Landscape Architecture)

自然资源与保护(Natural Resources and Conservation)

- 环境学(Environmental Studies)

- 自然资源保护和研究,其他(Natural Resources Conservation and Research, Other)

- 环境科学(Environmental Science)

- 自然资源经济学(Natural Resource Economics)

- 野生动物、鱼类和野外科学和管理(Wildlife, Fish and Wildlands Science and Management)

- 自然资源管理与政策(Natural Resources Management and Policy)

地区、民族、文化、性别和群体研究(Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender and Group Studies)

- 亚洲文明学(Asian Studies/Civilization)

- 美国文明研究学(American/United States Studies/Civilization)

- 东亚研究(East Asian Studies)

- 非裔美国人研究学(African-American/Black Studies)

- 女性学(Women's Studies)

- 欧洲文明(European Studies/Civilization)

- 拉美学研究(Latin American Studies)

多学科研究(Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies)

- 古迹保存与保护(Historic Preservation and Conservation)

- 认知科学(Cognitive Science)

- 营养学(Nutrition Sciences)


- 环保工程(Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering)

- 海洋工程(Ocean Engineering)

- 土木工程,概述(Civil Engineering, General)

- 电力和电子工程(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

- 计算机工程,概述(Computer Engineering, General)

- 化学工程(Chemical Engineering)

- 计算机软件工程(Computer Software Engineering)

- 水利工程(Water Resources Engineering)

- 机械工程,概述(Mechanical Engineering)

- 生化工程及生物医学工程(Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering)

- 运筹学(Operations Research)

计算机和信息科学和支持服务(Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services)

- 计算机信息科学,概述(Computer and Information Sciences, General)

- 信息科学(Information Science/Studies)

